WDO inspection is checking for Wood Destroying Organisms. This inspection is more commonly referred to as a termite inspection. It's called a WDO because termites are not the only wood destroying organisms in the world. The WDO inspector is trained to look for things that we don't typically think about. They inspect the attic for minute damage that indicates the house has an issue. Always hire a qualified inspector to perform your WDO inspection. In Florida, it is imperative that all structures be WDO inspected.

A Wood Destroying Organism (WDO) Inspection Report is a written report of an inspection on a home for visible and accessible evidence of an infestation or damage by wood destroying organisms. Usually this means subterranean or dry wood termites, but will also cover wood destroying beetles and wood destroying fungi.
In Florida, carpenter ants and carpenter bees do NOT have to be reported.

What to know about Termites:

  • Termites eat wood from the inside out. That means they leave very little evidence of their presence until an infestation is pretty far along. Because the warning signs can be subtle, it will probably take an expert to recognize them.
  • A large termite colony feasting on the wood in a home can consume a pound of cellulose a day but it's usually much less. That can lead to structural damage you won't want to deal with. The presence of termites doesn't necessarily mean a home is unsound, though, especially if the infestation is relatively recent. An expert will know the difference.
  • A termite inspection can help decipher more than just the warning signs of termites. Most inspectors are trained to recognize the presence of other wood-destroying pests like carpenter ants, too.

Facts about wood decay and decay fungi:

  • According to Ohio State University, replacement materials needed to repair damage caused by decay account for nearly 10% of U.S. annual wood production.
  • Carpenter ants, termites and other wood-destroying insects do not cause wood decay. These insects are, however, attracted to wood that has been softened by decay.
  • Decay fungi are active in temperatures between 77° F to 90° F, and need water, oxygen and a food source to survive.
  • Fungi that cause wood decay are called saprophytic, a term also applied to other organisms that consume decayed material. Many species of fungi, along with saprophytic beetle

  • Call Cobalt Inspection Services to schedule your WDO or termite inspection today in the Cape Coral, FL area.